> Do you feel like there is never enough time for you to get healthy?
> Do you feel anxiety when thinking about your health declining?
> Do you feel buried or overwhelmed by all the health advice and trends?
> Is health often the reason you say "no" to things you want?
> Do you feel that you're just not the kind of person who will ever be healthy?
> Are you waiting for something or someone outside of yourself to come save you?
> Do you feel guilty for neglecting your health in the past?
> Have you felt as though you just don't have the DNA to be healthy?
> Do you find you can't get past a certain number on the scale?
> OR... do you simply feel there is room for improvement when it comes to your health?
Me too.
Well, at least I used to.
At one point in time, many of these feelings, beliefs and realities were very, very true for me.
I've been there.
And it sucked.
I've lived off fast food. I've worked out to brutal exercise programs. I've tried fad diets. I've spent tremendous time and energy being incredibly inconvenienced to save a few calories. I've been in the hospital due to my declined health.
I'll never forget the day I finally decided things had to change.
While looking in the mirror after a hard workout, the sweat dripping down my face, I asked for divine guidance.
I declared that I was willing to see things differently. I declared that I was tired of the nonsense and I was ready to be healthy.
I wasn't just going to do this for me. I was going to do this for all of us.
First, I had to work on my health mentality. When I say health mentality this is what I mean:
I had patterns, behaviors and beliefs around health that were not supportive to me. They were not helping me to create the life I wanted.
This included how I thought about health, how I responded to health, the expectations I held and reinforced when it came to health, my sickness fears, the words I spoke, emotions I held, energies I embodied and identity I had assigned myself when it came to my health.
When you change your mentality
around health, you change your
experience of having health.
And, I didn't stop there.
To teach this, and teach this well, I had to take it much deeper.
Not only did I change the role health played in my life and create new supportive beliefs around health, I began to understand the purpose of health. I taught myself a process for shifting into an energetic state of receiving to attract health to co-create my dreams. I learned to generate, attract, and receive health in ways that worked for me, aligned with my mission, where right for my personality, and fully supported me.
After sharing this work with hundreds of people I can tell you this: the next steps and inspired guidance for receiving health are different for each of us, but the results are in line with this:
Feeling relief around health, feeling more confident with health, seeing options and opportunities for healthy living much more easily, receiving unexpected results.
I've continued to increase my understanding of the vibrations of health, healing, abundance and overflow.
And it worked.
While I got results nearly immediately when I began to do this work, the way in which I respond to, relate to, and work with health only continues to expand and support me.
Today, I own a self healing company with clients and students across the globe. I have healed myself and continue to heal every day. I have healed others and taught my students how to heal themselves and their loved ones.
Health is now a lifestyle that allows me to go on adventures, but also share my heart and teachings with the world on a large scale.

I want to make something clear: While I am a business owner and growing an online self healing education and coaching company has been part of my journey, what I am here to teach you isn't about - or limited to - how to heal your physical health or even your mental health.
There are plenty of people with great opportunities that can't seem to have, keep, or stay healthy. There are a lot of people with good health that worry about getting sick day in and day out. There are plenty of good responsible people who follow a diet plan, but can't seem to get down to a certain weight point or grow musculature beyond a certain point.
That's because health isn't just about numbers. Health is about energy.
And what I am here to teach you will revolutionize your life.
Why now?
We have been in a pandemic. Fears around health, personal growth, food security, inflation ect. have been multiplied and magnified.
We are in a time where people are looking at their lives, and at whether the dynamics at play in their health do or don't serve them, feel good to them, or work for them.
It feels important to do so.
I obviously cannot guarantee specific results with this course, my attorney would tell me that's, like, not how this works.
I can tell you that the students in this course repeatedly rave about how the Fascia Freedom Formula helped them to drop their doubt around health, shift their beliefs around health, release their negative memories and associations with health, experience far less anxiety around health and, yes, move into the experience of manifesting, generating, receiving, keeping, and having more health.
And supported them in doing what shouldn't have been possible for them, but somehow, was.
Past students have taken the skills they learned in this course to improve other areas of their lives, plus help heal others.

Andrea Warren
I knew I wanted to take the Fascia Freedom Formula course the moment I saw it.
After I enrolled, I was able to start communicating with my body to find what I truly needed. Today, my health has never been better.
I'm constantly leveling up in my life from what this course has taught me.
Malina helped me know there are more possibilities for me than I ever believed possible.
Who knew the fascia was SOOO important.

Kendra Miller
I was skeptical at first of taking this course. It almost sounded to good to be true. I decided to go for it.
I have tried workout partners, diet plans, one on one coaching and nothing seemed to work for me.
What I learned in this course taught me that everyone is different and what works for someone else may not work for everyone.
This helped me discover what worked for me and my life is now forever changed!

Ashley Redman
Physical Therapist
Malina has something special about her, and she is using it for the greater good of all. Her energy is amazing. It just automatically uplifts you.
It's a miracle that I came across Fascia Freedom Formula. Today, I have so much more then I thought possible when it comes to my health and in other areas of my life.
If you are reading this now, trust that you are here for a reason and your life will change.
Enroll, trust the process and don't give up until you get everything you want in life. Period.

What you get
Discover how to communicate with the fascia system to find the priority your body needs in order to heal and thrive
Identify and shift any and all patterns, ideas, and unhelpful stories that are obstructing the flow of health in your life.
Integrate my process for shifting, changing, and rearranging the ideas, beliefs, and energies that are not supporting you in creating and receiving your desires.
Become willing to forgive and release the people, experiences and settings that taught you that you were less than deserving of what you want.
Understand the energy and frequency of health. Learn how to be an energetic match for health. From there, move into the energy of overflow.
Own that it is of high service to the planet for you to be supported. Drop the guilt, fear, and shame.
Integrate trust and ease into the healing process. Allow the generating of health to come naturally and more easily than ever before.
"The Healing Quad" Navigation Charts
[Movement, Modalities, Manual, Mind]
Nutrition Navigation Charts
Environment Navigation Charts
Fascia Freedom Formula Workbook

Hi! I'm Malina Ryan!
I am an author, healer, and mentor to world-changing women.
I want to tell you a little bit about my journey with health. You see, I didn't grow up in a healthy environment. I come from a lower middle class family in a small town in Idaho. Growing up, I did not believe that health was something that could come easily to me.
I felt broken. I felt hopeless. I felt defeated. I felt stuck. I felt that the odds were not in my favor. My relationship with health and my beliefs about health were, well, fucked. I had a lot of work to do.
I had to look at and evaluate what I was taught about health and taught about myself. I had many challenging doubts, fears and disbeliefs I suspected were not working for me. I had to create an entirely new way of seeing and thinking about health and...myself.
As I did the work, I began to view myself differently. I developed higher expectations for myself and my life. I got clear on my goals, dreams and desires. I began to rework my thoughts, feelings and energy. I had to create a whole new way of relating to, working with and thinking of health. I had to give health a new role and position in my life.
I developed a process for reworking the relationship with health that is in the the first module of this program. But, I didn't stop there.
It is my intention to show you how to heal yourself, so that together we can heal the world.
Malina is a Fascia Wellness Coach and has completed 5,000+ Hours Holistic Healing Work. While putting herself through school Malina taught herself how to build her first website.
Here is a list of her degrees, certifications, and training: PTA Degree, Myofascial Release Certification, Visceral Therapy Certification, Energetic Balancing Certification, Craniosacral Certification, Reiki Certification, Pain Neuroscience Certification, Energy Medicine Training, Chakra Healing Training, Herbal Medicine Training, Nutritional Training, ESP Training and more.
Combining her background in physical therapy and energy work with practical advice and a deep knowledge of spiritual and energetic principles, Malina isn't quite like any other expert you've encountered.
Her mission has always been to find ways on how to help people even more. Today, she is doing just that.

Module One:
Module Two:
Module Three:
Learn Malina's process for communicating with the fascia
Discover your bodies nutritional and environmental priority(s) in order to heal and thrive
Using the "The Healing Quad" discover your priority(s) for movement, modalities, manual, mind and more

Beth Wilder
Through this course, I started trusting my own intuition, ideas and inspiration. And everything started to flow.
I went from 212 pounds to my goal weight of 160 pounds.
I started listening to what my body needed instead of what other people said I needed.
I knew I was capable. Now my outer world is starting to match my inner desires.
I love having these videos on in the background of my life. Malina's vibe keeps me in the flow.
I now know that doing it my way is truly best, that anything is possible, and that I can experience my dream life now.
This is just the beginning.

Mary Wells
Energy Healer
With this course, I was able to get clear and achieve my health desires.
My daily energy level went from extreme fatigue to an abundance of energy.
I was able to release significant limiting beliefs, improve my relationship with food, and step into my power.
I could not have done this without the tools, confidence, and courage I received from the course.
Malina is easy to follow and her content is presented in multiple ways to honor different styles of learning.
She delivers teachings from the heart and relates the teachings to real life experiences.
Fascia Freedom Formula completely shifted my life. It rewired my brain and allowed me to trust in myself again.

Veronica Carter
Massage Therapist
I had read and watched a lot of healing teachers before enrolling in Fascia Freedom Formula.
Would this program really be that different? Would I have learned all of this stuff already?
Today, I consider Fascia Freedom Formula the gift that keeps on giving.
Before Fascia Freedom Formula, I would loose a few pounds but it would come right back. I would workout and eat "healthy" every day. I felt a lot of guilt around my health.
Now, I feel more alive and healthier than ever before.
Malina gives us the permission to step into life being that good. This is one of the biggest and most powerful transformations for me.
There's just something about the way she IS.
Fascia Freedom Formula got me to where I am today. If you feel called trust yourself, your fascia/soul knows the way!
This course is held completely online!
You have unlimited replays, lifetime access and any future updates to this course.
(Meaning, anything I add to this course in the future, is automatically yours.)
Past students tell me that they love to listen to this course again and again.
You will receive access to the Bonuses immediately upon enrollment.
If each element of the course where sold separately, it would add up to over $2,000.
But that's not what you'll pay when you act today.
Click on the big button below and scroll down to reveal your final price.
If you have any questions email mindsatlas@gmail.com

Beth Wilder
Marketing Manager
I didn't feel aligned with Malina at first, but I knew she had so much to teach me. I put all judgement aside and enrolled.
Then I binged on the course.
I quickly discovered that I had so many health blocks. From stories about "it is hard work to be healthy" to ideas I picked up from my Mom not caring about her own health.
I was considered obese when I enrolled.
After working through my blocks with health using what Malina teaches, I lost 50 pounds.
Today, my confidence and self assurance is higher than ever. I'm living with purpose and drive and I'm happy. I've learned so much and keep going back to the modules again and again.
Malina is real. She goes off script (was there even a script?) and is in the group, in the thick of it with you. I've gotten more out of this course than most 1:1 coaches.
I truly couldn't be more grateful. This has changed my entire life!

Mary Wells
I wasn't sure if it would work for me, yet fascia freedom formula has helped heal my mindset, my trauma, my health, and my relationship with others.
My lift has totally shifted.
I used to have debilitating fear about my health, thinking I would never have what I wanted in life.
Today, I feel worthy, deserving, and more confident than ever.
Watching every module feels like Malina's sitting there with me and coaching me in her living room.
I love how honest and transparent Malina is. I love how she breaks it down into simple, practice steps.
I'm no longer afraid to take big action steps. I'm no longer afraid to live my life as a healthy woman. I take no nonsense anymore.
Fascia Freedom Formula is more than just getting healthy, it has helped me dig into my soul and get to know myself better. I love the journal prompts, homework and bonuses.
Fascia Freedom Formula is a tool you will have forever.

Kimberly Brown
Administrative Supervisor
I couldn't afford to do this course, but in the same breath I knew that I couldn't afford not to do it either.
My life is not even remotely the same.
I immediately started getting healthier and more fit as my limiting beliefs started to shift.
Within 2 months, my husband joined me in the course because he was shocked at the progress I was making. Now we are both the healthiest we have ever been!
Malina taught me how to truly let it be easy!!
You will feel powerful intentions that Malina put into the course, I felt shifts during the first module. Just by being in her energy and the container that she's created, I experienced healing.
Because of this work, my children won't have to go through life with the same feelings of unhealthy.
I feel so lucky to have this for me and my family!
This is the best program you can do to heal yourself and create the future you desire.
This is the best thing I've ever done for myself.
The Fascia Freedom Formula
is currently CLOSED for Enrollment.
Enter your information below to get on the waitlist to be notified when it reopens (PLUS, I have some special BONUS health resources for you too...just for getting on the list.)
The Fascia Freedom Formula
is currently OPEN for a limited time for only $395!
By enrolling in this course, you agree to our Standard Terms and Conditions.
If you are enrolling now, I encourage you to do so intentionally. Do this for you. Do this for those you are here to help. Do this on purpose.
Refund Exception: Although our policy is no refunds on digital products, I want to give you a chance to check out my teaching style, in case you are new here. So, if after reviewing your course content, you feel this is not for you, please email us at mindsatlas@gmail.com within 48 hours of your purchase and we will process your refund.
Disclaimer: I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it. According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: I don't guarantee or warrant results.
Need support? Email mindsatlas@gmail.com